
內務委員會 (HC)


主席: 何建威建築師
委員: 劉文君建築師





The Committee looks after the administrative matters of the Board and is responsible for scrutinizing the annual budget and reviewing of the sharing ratio with HKIA. It may also need to closely collaborate with HKIA to consider any policy matters related to joint resources, staffing and premises.

Details of work are listed as follows:

1. To keep proper records of its proceedings and accounts (section (8)(g) refers)

2. To make rules for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by persons attending to the business of the Board (section 9(e) refers)

3. To review and recommend to the Board the rate of subscription or levy prescribed for the purposes of sections 9(a), 14(2), 16(3) and 16(6) of the ARO and all registration related fees.

4. To advise on any other financial and administration matters referred to it by the Board.

Frequency of the meetings: 1-2 times (over lunch) per year

Size of the Committee: 3-4 members

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